Merging Data with prefixed header and footer

jackski posted this 13 November 2014

Hi, We are currently evaluating Docentric, can you help us with several questions: 1. We have a complex document with a dynamic header and footer. The main part of the document is a table with maximum 10 rows to populate. In case we have 15 rows for example, we have to create those dynamic header and footer parts and another table with 5 rows, thus producing 2 page document.

How can this be achived with Docentric? We have managed to use the list as a reapter, but not as we wish above.

Thanks, Jack

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jles posted this 13 November 2014

Hi Jack,

If I understand you correctly, you would like to create a template that would render a list of some objects/entries in the form of a table (each item in a separate table row) and in case the resulting table doesn't fit on one page, you would like the header and footer rows to be repeated on each page? If so, then you can achieve repeating the header row(s) by checking the check box in the table properties for the header/first row (see the attached image) in MS Word. Footer/total rows cannot be repeated this way and I'm not aware of a scenario where this could make sense. In case you also need to repeat the footer row, could you describe your scenario? Maybe there is a different solution or workaround for it.

Otherwise, note that using Docentric Toolkit to create template/reports is more about knowing MS Word features and constructs than knowing DT. DT only adds data binding capabilities while you use MS Word constructs for styling and formatting.

Let me know if this helped.

Cheers, Jure Leskovec

Last edited 13 November 2014

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jackski posted this 13 November 2014

First of all, thank you for the quick response!

Secondly, what you have described helped me to solve my problem.

I meant that there is some other data that has to be repeted with each page, I have used Word's header and footer section for this problem. Thanks!

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jles posted this 13 November 2014

Yes, sometimes you can also use headers and footers for this job. Headers and footers can also contain tagging elements and this way you can make them "dynamic". Let us know if there is more we can help you with.

-- Jure

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