Using Placeholders wo carriage return (newline / End of Line)

cguelain posted this 08 September 2014


I've got a really stupid issue but I can't figure how to do it in MS Word. How can I use a placeholder with docentric and get the images to repeat themselves on the same line without carriage return ?

I can't seem to do it, I know it shouldn't have much to do with docentric but I'd be really glad if you could lend an helping hand,



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jles posted this 08 September 2014

Hi Clement,

If I understand you correctly, you have a collection of images that you would like to render horizontally. Always when you want to render collections you need to use the LIST element. LIST element takes care of multiplying/repeating its wrapped content for each item in the collection. Inside it you should place an IMAGE element and bind it to the Current Data Context's member that represents the image data. The result should be multiple inline pictures in the same paragraph.

Please let me know if this helps.

Best regards,

Jure Leskovec

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cguelain posted this 09 September 2014


nevermind I think I got it

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