Changing XML Inferred Datatypes

aaronrobinson posted this 11 November 2013

Hi, I exclusivly use XML as the data source, often times the sample data may or may not have a value, or may have a value that could hint at the incorrect datatype.

(In XML expamle I use > and < as="" a="" -)="" for="" example="" the="" xml="" tag="">< unitno="">10< nitno=""> could be a string, byte, integer or decimal.

Is is possible to change the inferred datatype to one other than it inferrs?


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aaronrobinson posted this 11 November 2013


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jles posted this 11 November 2013


The answer to your question is NO, you cannot change inferred data types from within the MS Word Add-In. But if you need to finely control schema (creation) then you have the option to create one from scratch (which tedious and also unnecessary) or you can use a tool (like Visual Studio) that will infer an XSD schema from a sample XML. If you will do it in Visual Studio than you will get similar results as the ones from within the MS Word Add-In. The only difference now is that you can (since you have a "physical" XSD file) modify all inferred data types manually in the resulting XSD and load it as the schema for your data source(s) in Add-In (instead of inferring the schema from a sample XML file).

I hope this helps.

Last edited 11 November 2013

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