Represents a horizontal position to which a floating object is anchored in the document. This anchor position shall be used as the base location to determine the final horizontal position of the object on the page.

Namespace: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.Shapes
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel (in Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.dll)
public enum HorizontalPositionPositioningBase

Member name Description
Character Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the position of the anchor within its run content.
Column Specifies that the floating object shall be horizontally anchored to the text extents.
InsideMargin Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the inside margin of the current page.
LeftMargin Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the left margin of the page.
Margin Specifies that the floating object shall be horizontally anchored to the text margins.
OutsideMargin Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the inside margin of the current page.
Page Specifies that the floating object shall be horizontally anchored to the page edge.
RightMargin Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the right margin of the page.